Meta Analysis on children with learning and communication disorders

Dr. Tim Gilmor published a peer reviewed Meta Analysis in the International Journal of Listening (Vol. 13, 1999 12-23) based on five research studies involving 231 children with learning and communication disorders.

The Meta Analysis combined 1) his own two year study of 102 children and adolescents at the Tomatis Center in Toronto, 2) a one year study of 25 children with learning disabilities ages 9-14 by Dr. Byron Rourke of University of Windsor, Ontario, 3) a nine month study of 26 language impaired preschool children by Dr. Barbara Wilson of the North Shore University Hospital in Ontario, 4) a study of the progress of 32 underachieving children ages 8-12 by Dr. John Kershner of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and 5) a two year study of 46 boys with severe dyslexia, ages 10-15 by Peter Mould, Chief Remedial Teacher of Brickwall House, East Sussex.

Positive effect sizes were found for each of the 5 behavioral domains listed: Linguistic, psychomotor, personal and social adjustment, cognitive and auditory skills.

Shmuel Haggaï 27 01_8 2018

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